Dudhat Dental Clinic


Scaling is when your dentist removes all the plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) above and below the gumline.

When do you need teeth scaling?

Your dentist will recommend teeth scaling and root planing if your mouth has signs of chronic periodontal disease. These procedures can help stop the harmful effects of this condition and keep your mouth healthy.

Chronic periodontal disease occurs when the bacteria in plaque cause your gums to pull away from your teeth. This causes large pockets to grow between your teeth and gums, and more bacteria can grow there that you cannot reach with teeth brushing at home.

That’s why it’s key to floss regularly to reach spots that toothbrushes can’t.

If left untreated, chronic periodontal disease can lead to:

  • bone and tissue loss
  • tooth loss
  • loose teeth
  • moving teeth

Some of the reasons you may develop this condition include:

  • poor dental hygiene
  • smoking
  • aging
  • changes in hormones
  • poor nutrition
  • family history
Other medical conditions

You may experience deep pockets between your gums and teeth with chronic periodontal disease, but there are other symptoms of the condition, including:

  • bleeding gums
  • inflamed, red, or tender gums
  • bad breath
  • shifting permanent teeth
  • a change in your bite
What happens during teeth scaling?

Your dentist may or may not need to use a local anesthetic to lessen the discomfort of the procedure. If you are concerned about pain, discuss this with your dentist.

Your dentist will first conduct teeth scaling. This involves scraping the plaque from your teeth and in any large pockets that have developed between your teeth and gums.

Your dentist may also recommend additional treatment depending on the health of your teeth and gums. Your dentist may use antimicrobial agents in your mouth or prescribe oral antibiotics for you to take for several days to help you heal faster. Traditional tools are typically used to perform the procedure, including a scaler and a curette. But there are other instruments available for teeth scaling, such as lasers and ultrasonic devices.

What are the benefits of teeth scaling?

Teeth scaling and root planing are considered to be the “gold standardTrusted Source” treatment for chronic periodontal disease. By reducing the pockets that develop between your teeth and gums through teeth scaling and root planing, you will reduce your risk of experiencing tooth, bone, and tissue loss associated with chronic periodontal disease.

What happens during teeth scaling?

The risks of teeth scaling are minimal. You may also experience pain and sensitivity for a few days following the procedure as well as tenderness in your gums.

Teeth scaling and root planing may take more than one trip to your dentist’s office. Your dentist will likely recommend that you return for a follow-up appointment to make sure the procedure worked and that you haven’t developed any complications like infection.

Your dentist may recommend coming back for another procedure if the pockets didn’t shrink.

You should resume normal oral care procedures after your teeth scaling and root planing. This includes brushing your teeth at least two times a day and flossing regularly. You should also eat a healthy, balanced diet and see your dentist for regular cleanings to prevent the condition from returning.

In fact, you’ll likely be placed on a periodontal maintenance cleaning schedule, returning for regular cleanings every three to four months versus the standard cleanings every six months

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